How to Talk to a Girl Without Flirting With Her

“Did you just flirt with me?”

4 min readJun 17, 2023
Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

I’ve been called a flirt in my whole life. Maybe I’ve been accused of flirting with girls by girls. But I always take that as a compliment. Because I know not many people can effortlessly flirt even if they put effort. What can I say? I’m a natural. I genuinely don’t know how to talk to a girl — without flirting with them. That came out wrong.

Let me rephrase that. Literally anything I say to a girl always comes off as flirting. I don’t usually realize that until they almost always let me know I was flirting with them.

Maybe they’re all trying to warn me that they’ve caught me flirting with them. I will never know. I always take that as a sincere compliment when they tell me — “You’re such a flirt!” or surprisingly ask — “Did you just flirt with me?”

I always consider their surprised reaction as — maybe they didn’t think I have the innate ability to flirt — even though I genuinely wasn’t trying to flirt. Maybe — it’s a big MAYBE — that’s what some want me to do — to boost their ego?

Hey, that’s not me flirting. That’s how I always talk. That’s how I even talk to guys.

I always have to tell them this — even though I genuinely don’t care what they interpret.

