I’m Boosted on Medium and I’ve Finally Cracked the Code

What looked like a gamble turned out to be a tactical masterstroke

5 min readMay 12, 2023
Photo by Italo Melo from Pexels

This is my Oscar acceptance speech moment. Please don’t brutally play the cutoff music before my speech ends. THANKS!

Two weeks ago, I received an email from Medium to let me know this:

Hi Srini,

Your story, despite being brilliant, you thought nobody in their right mind would ever read, including the people you keep sending the friend links to your so-called besties, has been miraculously selected for a Boost. Are you pinching yourself? I just did, too.

Boosted means we’ll share it with a minimum of eight people who don’t follow you and/or genuinely don’t give a hoot about you. I mean, why should they?

Thank you for using Medium and we never thought we would say this to you — Honestly, you’re prettay prettay good! We have absolutely no idea what would we do without you. PLEASE do not ever stop writing. You make billions of people smile everyday and every night. Also? You’re officially a trillionaire now. Congratulations!

FYI — Trillion has twelve zeros.

We love you SO much it hurts, Srini!

